Perfect Distance vision: Reading Glasses When Needed

It is common for people who have presbyopia to just correct their distance vision which means they will only require glasses for close vision tasks. This means that they will be able to walk around and drive etc. without having to wear any glasses at all.

Either Lasik or Lasek can be performed on both eyes to correct your distance vision. Following surgery, you will then need reading glasses for near vision tasks but you will be fine to use the cheap ‘over the counter’ reading glasses and so the expense will be kept down to a minimum.

Explaining What Power of Reading Glasses You Need:

The power of the reading glasses you require will depend on your age and how closely you want to read things. Simply put, the older you are, the stronger your reading glasses will need to be. Also, the closer you want to read to your face the stronger your reading glasses will need to be. Therefore choose weaker glasses if they are to be used on the computer as this task normally requires a longer working distance.

Expected Power of Reading Glasses You Will Need:

Age                                     Power of reading glasses:
45-50 years old               +1.00 to +1.50 depending on how close you read.
50-55 years old               +1.50 to +2.00 depending on how close you read.
55 and over                     +2.00 to +2.75 depending on how close you read.

It is important to mention that reading glasses will only be clear for near vision tasks. If you look into the distance with your reading glasses on then everything will be completely blurred. You will need to take your glasses off or look over the top of them to see clearly in the distance. You will not be able to walk around in reading glasses as they will make you feel dizzy. People in the 45 – 50-year-old bracket may not initially require reading spectacles all the time. If the lighting is good and the reading material isn’t too small then you will probably be able to manage without any.

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