Glaucoma Symptoms

Glaucoma is often called the ‘silent disease’ as most of the people that develop the condition have no real symptoms in the early stages of the disease. The fact that the build-up of pressure in the eye is gradual, combined with the fact that initially only your peripheral (side vision) is affected, means people are generally unaware.

Losing part of your peripheral vision has very little impact on your everyday tasks such as reading and writing as these all use your central vision. Furthermore, if your peripheral vision is only affected in one eye, then your other unaffected eye can normally compensate.

These lack of symptoms are the number one reason why having a regular eye check is important. Although there are some causes and risk factors of Glaucoma that may mean you are more likely to get the condition, many people develop the condition without ever knowing.

There are however some very obvious and often severe symptoms associated with closed angle Glaucoma.

Closed Angle (Acute) Glaucoma Symptoms

Symptoms are normally profound and rapidly progressing. The following are all symptoms associated with the condition:

  • Very sore painful eye.
  • Intense pain.
  • Bad headaches.
  • Sickness/nausea/vomiting.
  • Blurred vision.
  • Haloes around lights.

If you suspect you are having an attack of closed angle Glaucoma then it is crucially important that you seek emergency medical advice as vision loss can occur rapidly and it irreversible. The treatment of closed angle Glaucoma must be quick and decisive.


This information is provided purely as a guide and in no way constitutes medical advice. If you are in doubt about the health of your eyes you should consult your doctor or optometrist.

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