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Best Lens Replacement Surgery Options

Refractive lens exchange is generally recommended for people over 45 years old and this is because at this age people will have already started to develop presbyopia. Presbyopia describes the natural ageing process of the lens within your eye which results in reduced ability to focus things close to you e.g. reading. Consequently, when the natural lens in your eye is removed during refractive lens exchange you will no longer have the ability to focus on things close to you. If you already need spectacles for near vision as a result of your age, then this is much less likely to have an impact on you.

Refractive lens exchange can be carried out on people below the age of 45 but it is important to understand that having surgery at this age will mean that your near vision will be worse following surgery. However, this may be a small price to pay for those people with very high prescriptions if it means they no longer have to wear their incredibly thick glasses for walking around in. Over the past few years however refractive lens exchange has advanced considerably allowing both your reading vision and distance vision to be corrected.

If You Are Not Suitable For Laser Eye Surgery

options that can still help you

Whether this is for PRK, Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL), or Refractive Lens Exchange (RLE), our recommended clinics will help you find the most beneficial solution for your unique needs.


PRK is similar to LASIK in the way that laser energy is used to reshape the cornea and improve refractive efforts. However, instead of creating a corneal flap, PRK works by the laser removing a thin layer of the corneal tissue in order to correct your vision. Many people who are not good candidates for LASIK prove to be eligible for PRK since there is no flap that could potentially be damaged or cause irritation.

Refractive Lens Exchange (RLE)

In the Refractive Lens Exchange (RLE) procedure, the natural lens of the eye is carefully removed and replaced with an intraocular lens


This is the same type of lens that is used in cataract surgery to correct vision. Patients can choose to receive an IOL through the RLE procedure to treat severe refractive errors for permanent results, with the added benefit of not developing cataracts in the future.


Correct your vision with a premium monofocal lens

From Prices (Per Eye)



A non-invasive laser surgery which returns your vision to the level it reached after your initial lens replacement procedure.

From Prices (Per Eye)



Improve your distance and near vision with a premium multifocal lens

From Prices (Per Eye)


Can I have both eyes treated at the same time?

Unlike with laser eye treatment, bilateral treatment is not possible in cataract or lens replacement surgery. If you do need both eyes treated, we recommend that you get your eyes treated one at a time, usually within a day or two apart. This is mainly done to avoid infection and for safety reasons.

Is this an operation where I'd need to stay overnight?

You will not need to stay overnight for this procedure, however you will be required to attend an aftercare appointment the day after your treatment, so please bear this in mind when you are choosing a clinic to undergo treatment with.

Is Lens Replacement Surgery Painful?

Lens replacement surgery is performed using local anaesthetic, so you won’t feel any pain during the course of the procedure. After your treatment, it is normal to experience some itching and mild discomfort for the first day or two, but this does pass.

How long does Lens Replacement Surgery take?

Due to advancements in eye surgery technology and the non-invasive procedure that is used for lens replacement surgery, refractive lens exchange has an extremely high success rate, and the whole process is completed in between 15 - 30 minutes per eye.

“I saved £300 on my laser eye surgery at Optical Express when I booked through Right Clinic and now I never have to wear glasses again. Thank You!"
Jayne Blake
"After comparing all the clinics I decided to just go for it! I booked my consultation through Right Clinic and got a better price than if I'd gone direct."
David Flynn

Right Clinic helps you find top rated clinics with comprehensive aftercare programmes to help make sure that your surgery is successful for the long term. Now it’s time to consider the clinics and the all-important prices. We would recommend using our comparison form to get a quote of current prices from reputable clinics in your area.









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